Hmmm... Who am I? Well, That's a loaded question.
My name is Carrie. Or Dar (as it's been for over 3 1/2 years now. Crazy
dream. LONG story)
I live in Virginia. About 20 minutes from Virginia Beach. Very
nice. But, if you live here, you get tired of it. I work for a Data
Communications company, installing computer and telephone networks.
Another reason for the nickname "Dar".
only reason I have my day job, is to support my night job. Playing in a
band. Well, it's also nice to be able to pay my rent, too. I've only been
alive 6 years longer than I've been playing guitar. I've been writing
longer than that. I play guitar, bass, piano & drums. I've been
singing in public since I was 3. I've been a telecommunications tech
for, going on, 6 years now. I do this so I can buy more guitars...
As I said before, I live here in Virginia with my guitars,
my extensive Xena collection and my 4 cats. Oh yeah, can't forget about
the g/f. she might not like that...<bg>
The cats... All in some way named after someone on my
favorite show, Xena: Warrior Princess. Ares, Hudson, Tigger & Ash.
Actually, Ares was named after the wolf cub puppy in a
story by my favorite fanfic author, Missy Good. Hudson, after everyone's
favorite blonde psycho, Callisto
actress, Hudson Leick. Tigger, there's a good story. When my g/f walked
into our den one morning when he was only 5 weeks old, she found him
sleeping between the legs of my Xena stand-up. I believe her comment was
something to the extent of, "Sleeping between Xena's legs, It HAS to
be Gabrielle." So we compromised. Tigger Gabriel. And last but not
least, Ash. Named after my favorite actor's most memorable roll. Bruce
Campbell as "Ash" in the "Evil Dead" trilogy..
Ares is the brat. Hudson is the trouble maker (must be
something in the name...<bg>) Tigg is the
man and Ash is the big man.
We also have a Tibetan Mastiff puppy, Pokey (her
registered name is Psyche)
They rule the house and they know it. They are also
spoiled rotten.
OK, Music. I've been in the same band, or some variation
there of, for the last 7 years. The band was called MY SISTER. We have
decided to change it. To what? We have no idea yet. We recorded our first
album "Pocket Rocket"
1995. We received extensive radio play afterwards.
The band has gone through several lineup changes in the last 7 years. Two
factors always remain: myself and my best friend Teresa. I play lead
guitar and sing lead vocals. I gave up guitar for about a year and a half
and played bass when we had an INCREDIBLE guitarist, Annie Johnson, come
aboard. I'd say at least half of the sound bytes you will find on this
site for "Corduroy", will be of MS playing over the last 3 years
or so. The other half, will be sound bytes of my good friends in a Jersey
based band,
Let's see... what else? I love just about any sport
imaginable. I think Hockey is the greatest game in the world. Thanks to my
brother, I've been a devout Detroit fan since I was knee-high to a flea.
As a matter of fact, Hockey is the only sport to where I don't follow a NY
or NJ team. NY Giants, NY KNICKS, NY Yankees, and so on and so
forth. I love dirt bikes and motorcycles. I've also collected knives for
as long as I can remember. Other than that, I'm harmless. So,... that's
about it. Thanks for checking in!

Teresa &
My Sister 1995

Carrie & Former bassist Lesa
My Sister 1994
Friends Don't Let Friends Drink and Pick Their Nose!